Josh Gonzalez

Executive Director

Josh is an American economist with expertise in trade, monetary policy, and agricultural economics. His primary research is currently evaluating the economic impact of underbanking and credit rationing in markets with challenging regulatory environments.

Sanghyun Cho

Director of Economic Research

Sanghyun Cho is a Korean urban economist with expertise in analyzing the economic impact of urbanization on different sectors of the economy. As an urban economist, he specializes in studying the economic effects of urban policies, such as zoning regulations, land-use planning, and transportation infrastructure.

Cameron Johnson

Director of Public Policy

Cameron is a policy analyst who focuses on overseeing the analysis and development of economic policy solutions that promote sustainable growth and prosperity. Within this role he serves as a primary contact for policymakers, academic institutions, and the public sector including the media industry, along with representing AEPC at conferences, seminars and policy forums.

Alex Mugisha

Director of Foreign Affairs

Alex Mugisha is a Foreign Affairs Economic Analyst, providing critical insights and strategic recommendations in international economics. With expertise in comparative politics and global affairs, Alex assesses the impact of geopolitical developments, trade policies, and international agreements on markets.